We decided we wanted the piece to show all that goes into the sport. We didn’t want a day game with fans in bleachers kind of look. We wanted to go to the places the fans don’t get to see, that only the players know about, and we wanted it to all culminate into a sort of late-night pickup game for the gritty look and feel.
To fill it out, we needed to find around 20 players. Since most professional players/teams have gear sponsorships that interfere with projects like this, finding players that weren’t sponsored, but were still good enough to be in the spot, was gonna be tough. Not to mention asking them to play in the dark, blinded by bright lights, with soccer balls flying by their heads, for hours in the humid July of North Carolina.
Soon enough we found our stadium, an awesome local semi-pro team (Tobacco Rd FC), the New Balance gear was in the mail, and we only had days to get the crew ready and gear prepped.